Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What is your weather like today?

I just came back from a beach walk with the dogs. Today is one of those days that dreams are made of, golden sunshine, lapis blue skies and emerald green waters. The day reminds me of all that I have to be thankful of. The temp here today is 81 degress and the humidity is at 60%. I checked to see what it was like in other areas, Calgary AB it is a chilly 45 degrees (7 celsius) , Victoria BC, 52 degrees (17 Celsius) Chicago, 69 and of course windy. I'm sure glad I live here!

There is lots of coral on the beach today!

Blue skies and emerald coast waters, how can it get any better?

Out checking for dinner....

Ahhh, Mom beat him to it! Looks like octopus on a stick for dinner!

And of course, the Palm Trees, how beautiful!

So, if the weather is getting a little chilly back home, come spend the winters in paradise. Give the Mayan Living Team a call today, we will be happy to help you find your home in the sun.

Warm breezes and cold beers coming at you from Chelem!

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