Well the past weekend flew by in a flurry of activity. Friday we met up with a group of friends at the Bull Pen for "Beer Friday." The Bull Pen's business seems to increase every day, there were over 60 of us Gringos there this past Friday. I had a chance to catch up with my good friend Star, always a treat! The owners Patrick and Robert are very special people, whenever you stop in for a drink or bite to eat they come over, greet you and you feel like you are visiting with good friends in their home. They both have a wonderful sense of humor and concern for other people and it is truly a pleasure to see them doing so well.
Saturday we had plans to do things around the house. Mary had given me bags of plants and packets of seeds, I love to work in the yard, and mine certainly needs some work! So Doug and I are out in the yard digging and planting when an unexpected client show up so Doug was off with them showing them a property they were interested in while I finished up the garden work.. The clients came back and made an offer on a beautiful beach home, suddenly it was all business again. The cool thing about selling real estate here is that unlike the states business hasn't slowed down. More and more people are interested in the area, so one minute I'm planting yucca's and the next minute I'm making money!
That evening we took Mary and Neil out to dinner at La Playa Restaurant, a farewell celebration as they were heading back home to Idaho Monday morning. La Playa is the only restaurant in Chelem that is beachfront. It is owned by another close friend of ours, Carlos. Carlos is a local, born and raised in Merida, he spent 23 years in Chicago so his English is better than mine. He is a wealth of information about the local culture and how to get things done in the area. As we were sitting and having margaritas we saw the most gorgeous sunset. I have read for years that there are a few split seconds when the sun touches the horizon that there is something called the green flash. I have looked and looked at sunsets but have never seen it. Saturday night we all watched and we all saw the green flash, it was incredible! At the same time about 100 flamingos flew by, the sunset making their colors more vivid then ever. Of course none of us had brought our cameras so you will just have to imagine how beautiful it was!
Sunday morning it was back to the Bullpen for breakfast and then over to Neil and Marys to help them with last minute packing. They got all packed up and we relaxed with a couple of glasses of wine and then back home to get caught up on real estate emails. Life is so sweet here in Chelem, we live a perpetual vacation with a little work thrown in.

Breakfast with Neil and Mary

Mushroom and Cheese Omelets, home fries and pancakes!

Sunday Breakfast Crowd